Medway Police Department announce community alert


There were three housebreaks in Medway last week. Each mostly likely occurred Friday afternoon. The suspect appears to have looked for unlocked doors and chose to break rear windows to gain entry when he or she failed to find an open door. The suspect appeared to be looking for cash and/or jewelry.

In our experience, such individuals will target master bedrooms first in an effort to get in and out quickly. If you have valuable jewelry or keep a large amount of cash in your home, you should not keep it in the master bedroom. Consider creating a bait jewelry box with nothing but unsentimental costume jewelry stored inside.

In this current case, the breaks occurred most likely happened between 5 and 7 pm last Friday in the Brentwood area and on Oakview Circle. Most suspects will park a short distance away from their target, walk to it, then knock to make sure no one is home before trying to get in. If someone answers they will have some story ready to deflect suspicions such as that they are looking for their lost dog or another address. If anyone recalls this happening on the east side of town last Friday please contact the station at 508-533-3212.