Oakland Park Project Updates

Oakland Park Project Update

Oakland Park is a well established and well used park in Medway.  The park project is focusing on improvements in key areas for safety, usability, and broad access:

● Protect the main playing fields and basketball court. 

● Improve the usability of the smaller multipurpose field along Oakland St.

● Resolve issues between Senior Center and the park uses, including Camp Sunshine's needs.

● Explore ways to enhance Senior Center use of the Park where appropriate. 

● Consider a shade shelter or pavillion as a central organizing feature. 

● Provide storage, bathrooms, and offices for sports uses and for Camp Sunshine. 

● Organize and clarify vehicular circulation to improve safety and expand parking for both the Park & Senior Center. 

● Upgrade the playground to meet codes, improve accessibility and safety, and serve a wider age / ability range. 

● Improve or replace the picnic area for better accessibility, location, and furnishings.

● Create accessible routes to all features of the site, including player & spectator areas for sports.