Medway Cultural Council's December, 2020 Artist Spotlight- Judy Moffatt

Judith Moffatt

Welcome to December’s installment of The Artist Spotlight!                                                                                           

Each month, we will ask a Medway artist a few questions - finding out more about what they do and what motivates them.  

This month, we will put the spotlight on an illustrator whose work is a treasure to our community and beyond, Judith Moffatt.

Medway Cultural Council: Tell us about your art!

I feel I was born to be an illustrator. In contrast to a fine artist, who might paint a portrait or landscape, I’ve always preferred to illustrate moments. I cannot remember ever being without paper and  pencil. My parents saved many of my childhood drawings, from when I began illustrating my young life.



Everyday life is my inspiration. I choose a moment from my day, week or month that moves me, and put it to paper. I am also drawn to nature, animals, and history.  For seventeen years I  illustrated for children’s publications, such as these pieces for the National WildLife Federation. It was the perfect job for me, combining my design skills along with writing and illustration. I’d continually be inspired by the knowledge I gained researching animals and their habitats for the monthly publication.

History is another inspiration. I illustrated a sketchbook for “The Sketchbook Project called “A collection of Traditions, Recipes and Stories”. Here I researched some of my favorite recipes and their origins. 



When I was very young, my Dad worked for a printing company. He’d bring home beautiful paper samples for my sister and me to make our art. Trouble was, it was usually colored or pattered papers. Being unable to draw on them, we would we cut and paste together our creations. This childhood practice  influenced my choice of medium as I began my career illustrating books in a  3-D cut paper style.



In high school I took a class in children’s literature. Until then I  hadn’t thought of becoming a children’s book illustrator. From that point on, I had my direction. It took a few jobs at advertising agencies, along with illustration projects on the side, until I could afford to work full time in the field. I was lucky enough to make a good living at my dream job, illustrating over 50 books for children.



My husband and I moved here 35 years ago. We loved the country feel of Medway, especially getting our milk from the local farm in glass bottles, and only having to dial 4 numbers to connect with other residents! We found a great fixer-upper antique house with the Charles River in our back yard. Years later with many improvements, our home is everything we ever hoped it could be.

How Can People Experience your work?

You can follow my illustrated journals on Instagram: JournalsWithJudy. 

 Catch up on events on my Blog: .

 Find more info, enjoy craft ideas and download free coloring book pages from my Website:


My coloring books and posters are always on sale at T.C. Scoops in Medway. 


Each year since Medway’s 300 year celebration, I’ve created a coloring piece for Celebrate Medway Day, where all ages are welcome to sit and color with me at Thayer House.

Recently, I’ve been doing a lot of drawing in my journals. It’s a passion of mine that began in high school. Here are some of my sketchbooks dating back to 1972.


One of my pages that expresses an artists’ experience of Covid-19 (mapping the moment) was just published in “They Draw & Travel” . You can read about this adventure (fleeing FL and getting back to the safety of Medway) and more, on my Blog:


Describe Your Favorite Meal?

My favorite meal is Brunch.  Actually if I’m splurging, I think the best combo meal is a High Tea. It has all my favorite things: a breakfast scone, little tea sandwiches, and pretty little deserts, all served with my favorite beverage - tea! I love to find a friend and go out for tea. And I always wear an appropriate hat!

For more information on our Spotlight Artists, please visit