Medway Fire Department & Medway Police Department Hold 9/11 Observance Ceremony


Today, members of the Medway Fire Department and Medway Police Department held a 9/11 rememberance ceremony in front of the Medway Fire Station.  Reverend Rick Marcoux began the ceremony with a question, "Do you remember where you when the events of that day unfolded?" He went on to say that each and every one of us remembers exactly where we were, at that moment and will will never forget the events that unfolded.  He went on to offer prayers for those souls that were lost and for those living without their loved ones.  During the ceremony, he also offered the following statistics:

Since 9/11/2001:

  • 2,000 first responders have died of cancer as a result of exposure to ash, toxic chemicals and other toxins.
  • Nearly 10,000 first responders have been diagnosed with cancer.
  • In 2017, 23 current or former members of the NYC Police Department died of 911 related diseases, the same number of NYPD members who perished on 9/11
  • The Fire Department of NY lost 343 members on 9/11.  Since then another 180 firefighters have been killed in the line-of-duty linked to 9/11.
  • One FBI agent died during the attacks.  As of August, 2018, 15 FBI agents have died from cancers linked to toxic exposure during the clean-up and investigation following the attacks.

Reverend Marcoux closed the with ceremony with a moment of silence as members of the Medway Fire Department & Medway Police Department listened to the song, Amazing Grace.