Don't let your grass clippings go to waste. We want to offer a few tips on creative ways to get rid of your lawn clippings

Don't let your grass clippings go to waste. We want to offer a few tips on creative ways to get rid of your lawn clippings

Don't let your grass clippings go to waste. We want to offer a few tips on creative ways to get rid of your lawn clippings. When you mow your lawn, leave the clippings to decompose and feed your yard, or compost them and make a natural fertilizer for your garden! You can also bag the clippings and bring them to the Recycling Center. But whatever you do, don’t leave them on the sidewalk or near a storm drain. Why? When it rains, grass clippings, fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and other pollutants are carried over our sidewalks, driveways, and roads into the nearest storm drain, where they flow - untreated - directly into our nearest water body. Once there, grass clippings will decompose and release Phosphorus into the water, causing fish kills and algae blooms that are toxic to humans and wildlife alike. Think Blue Massachusetts