Governor Baker Signs Legislation Requiring Hands-Free Use of Electronic Devices While Driving

hands free

Up until March 1, 2020 police are authorized to only issue written warnings. After that citations may be issued.

                                The law states that:

  • Drivers may not hold a mobile electronic device while driving
  • Mobile devices can only be used in hands-free mode
  • No driver may view text, images or video on a mobile electronic devise while driving
  • Drivers may view a map  generated by a navigation system or an electronic mobile devise if it is mounted or affixed to the windshield, dashboard, or center console.
  • Drivers may access their devices if they are stopped off of the public way
  • Drivers may use their device in an emergency (disabled vehicle, medical attention was needed, crash, or police/fire/ems was needed)
  • First responders are exempt while operating emergency vehicles and engaged in their duties.
  • The fine for a first offense is $100, a second is $250 and a third $500. Third and subsequent offenses are surchargable.