Medicare Scam Alert

Medicare Scam Alert

Please be advised that a Medway Senior was contacted via phone last Friday from a person identifying herself as "Marcia." She stated that she was calling regarding helping Medicare "review" the Senior's information. Fortunately, the Senior did not fall for this scam attempt. The Senior was also able to provide useful information that the callerID listed the phone number's origination as the Medway Police Department.

It is vital to remember to protect your personal information, especially from unsolicited phone callers. Please also be aware that it is easy to "Spoof" a phone number on callerID to make the scammer appear legitimate. Never rely on CallerID for the legitimacy of a caller.

If you're ever unsure of any caller's intentions, call the Medway Police for advice at 508-533-3212. When in doubt, hang-up.

Please visit this link for more information regarding Medicare scams.