Tri-County RVTHS Program Advisory Comm. Dinner Meeting - Tri County

Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - 6:00pm

Oetober4,2016 Town Clerks Pleasc Post






October 18,2016

(j;on p.m.

I. Welcomc - Mary-Ellcn MacLeod, Director of Cooperativc Education

II . Introduction Stephen Dockray. Superintendent-Director

III. Agenda - Jean George. Vocational Director

IV. Fund Raising Updatc - Michael Procaccini. Principal

V. Program Advisory Committee Meeting

A. Introductions

B. Selection of Chair per SOil

C. Selection of Recorder

D. Di sc ussion Lead by Program Advisory Chairperson on the following topics:

VI. Adjournl11ent

I. Review Tri-County's Philosophy and Goals

') Review VTE Frameworks Standards

a. Review Strands /I 2.4 & 5

h. Review of Curriculum and Texts

c. Implcl11cllt:l1ion o f STEM Initi atives

J. Folio\\' up on New Equipment

<l. Integration into lbe clI;Tieulum

h. Training issues / concerns

4. Capital Equipment Needs

5. DiseliSS Non-Trad itional Activities

a. Suggestio ns for Promotion (tield trips. guest speakers etc.)

6. Equipment. Supplies and Textbook Needs. 2017-18

(Priorit ize Recommendat ions)

7. Recommendations lor COl1lmittee Growth

8. Pancl Participants for Senior l'r~iects

Note: The General Advisory Supper Meeting will bc held on Monday. November 7. 2016

al 6:00 p.m. in the Library.

All meelings are scheduled 10 be h..:ld al 147 Pond Sireet. Franklin. MA 02038