Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - Middle School

Event Date: 
Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 7:45pm

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Town of Medway


ISS Village St, Medway, MA

(508) 321-4915. FAX: (508) 321-4988




David J. eoie-, Chairman

e m'vl Gould. Clcrk

Wil1illrn Kcnnrdy. Member

Eric Arbeenl'. l\1ember

Rrilln \\' hite. J\.lcmber

Rod Stumpf. Associlll(" Ml'mbrr

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Medway

will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday, October OS, 2016 at 7:45 P,M. in

the School Committee Presentation Room (Door #7) at the Medway Middle

School, 45 Holliston Street, Medway, MA on an application fi'om Kevin

Goddard, with respect to property located at 54 Main Street, Assessor Parcel No.

41-016, AR-II Zoning District.

The application is for a Variance from Section 6.1 of the Zoning Bylaw to allow for

the placement of a prefabricated garage 10 feet from the property I ine, where a IS

foot side setback is required.

Copies of the petition are on file in the offices of the Town Clerk and Community

and Economic Development, ISS Village St, Medway, MA during normal office

hours, Monday through Friday.

Zoning Board of Appeals

Medway, MA

Milford Daily News 9/21 /2016 and 9/28/20 16.